
Showing posts from June, 2022

Top Latest Technological Innovations

AI coming of age is, um, coming! AI has been on the receiving end of massive financial investment over the last few years. According to Forbes, 80% of enterprises are now investing in it or are planning to expand AI investment if they already are. This influx of money has given rise to some serious innovation in deep learning. With all this cash flowing around, many tech experts believe AI will really "come of age" within the next few years. Internet at the speed of lightning The appetite for faster and faster internet connection is really pushing the technology forward. Businesses and private users are constantly demanding ever quicker response times and the industry is responding. With lightning-fast internet speeds just around the corner, it should be transformative for many aspects of our lives. Should it be achieved, it will increase the efficiency of workers and will provide reliable communication tools for companies that rely on remote workers. This is where 5G ...

What are the latest technologies in computer science?

What are the latest technologies in computer science? According to sites like, some of the latest technology areas of research include, but are not limited to: - - Big data analytics - Machine learning - Cloud computing - Computer-assisted education - Bioinformatics - Better cybersecurity